Wednesday, March 21, 2012

S.S. Ch.4 Lesson 4

During the New Kingdom, Egyptian kings took the title of pharoh, and the Egyptian Empire reached its greatest size.

—The New Kingdom began in 1552 B.C., with the rule of Dynasty 18
—Pharoh means “great house”
—Power of pharoh was based on gold because Egyptians believed the gods flesh was made of gold
—Egypt conquered parts of Nubia, which was rich on gold
—Nubia was also called Kush

Queen Hatshepsut
one of few woman to rule Demanded all conquered lands to pay tribute in exchange for protection Set out trading expeditions across the Red Sea They returned with animal skins, myrrh trees, ebony, and gold

Thutmose III
Reached greatest size under Thutmose III By 1450 B.C., Egypt controlled lands from the 4th cataract in Nubia to the Euphrates River in southwestern Asia They built the largest temple, the temple of Amon-Ra at Karnak. —

Amenhotep IV and his wife, Nefertiti
brought change to Egypt Abandoned the worship of Egyptian gods except one, Aton (god of the sun) Amenhotep was so devoted he changed his name to Akhenaton, “servant of the Aton” Changed capital city to Akhetaten

—After Akhenaton’s death, advisor’s for Tutankhaton pressured him to restore old Egyptian gods and changed his name to Tutankhamen, or “living image of Amon”

Ramses the Great
During his power, he… Defended Egypt and made it prosperous Fought the Hittites Built magnificent temples

Egyptian society followed a structure similar to that of a pyramid. The pharoh was at the top. Below were the royal family, priests, and nobles. Next were craftworkers, scribes, and merchants. The largest class included farmers and unskilled workers. Slaves were at the bottom of society. Art, literature, and architecture were important in ancient Egypt.

Most of the monumental architecture that remains today was built of stone, although the main construction material for other buildings was mud and brick.
—Pyramids, temples, and government buildings were built of stone.
—Other buildings such as houses were built of mud brick
—Over time, ruler’s stopped building pyramids because they were too expensive to build.

As a result, they pharohs and their families, and wealthy nobles were buried in tombs cut into rock walls.
—Temples such as those at Luxor and Karnak took centuries to build. Most Egyptian temples followed a similar design. Long path lined with sphinxes leading to a gate Through the gates was a courtyard, and led to a long hall that represented the “swamp of creation.”
—Most Egyptian art was very formal
—Many tomb painting showed dancing and music(instruments)

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