Friday, April 13, 2012

S.S. Ch.6 Lesson 1

Chapter 6 Lesson 1
Beginnings of the Hebrew People

Abraham founded Judaism,
the religion of the Jewish people.
Judaism was the first
religion based on
monotheism, or the
worship of only one God.

The Torah, the oldest religious writings of Jewish people , is part of the Hebrew bible, or Tanakh
The story of the Hebrews begin with Abraham, or Abram, who was born in Mesopotamia

Abram left Mesopotamia with his family to Canaan after God had spoke to him.
In Canaan, God made a covenant (a special agreement) with Abram saying that Canaan would belong to Abram if he agreed to worship God alone
Abram changed his named to Abraham which means, father of many

The Israelites
The Bible tells the story of Abraham’s descendents. It describes how famine struck Canaan and each of Jacob’s 12 sons led separate tribe into Egypt, where the Israelites lived for 400 years, part of the time as slaves.

Abraham’s son named Isaac had a son named Jacob
Jacob became to be known as Israel had 12 sons
Joseph was the most loved out of all this sons
Joseph was sold to traders and went to Egypt
In Egypt, Joseph grew to power, second to the pharoah

Famine struck Canaan and Joseph’s brothers went to Egypt
They reunited and the whole family moved to Egypt
Each son held a separate tribe or group of descendents
Because the Pharaoh feared that the Israelites might gain power, he enslaved them

Moses and the Exodus
The Bible tells how the Israelites
obtained freedom from Egypt.
It describes how Moses guided
the Israelites during the Exodus
and how he received the
Ten Commandments from God.

When Moses was born, Israelites were slaves
The pharaoh ordered all Israelite baby boy drown in the Nile.
Moses mother put him in a basket and set him afloat where the pharaoh’s daughter rescued and raised him

God told Moses to demand freedom for Israelites but the pharaoh refused
God sent ten plagues….

The Israelites’ mass departure is know as the Exodus
“large movement of people”
After Egypt, they traveled on the Sinai Peninsula along the Red Sea
They wandered for 40 years
Moses and the Exodus
God spoke to the Israelites at Mount Sinai and gave Moses the Ten Commandments
The Ten Commandments gave rules for responsible behavior and worshipping God properly.

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